Friday, November 4, 2011

Week 9 in Review 10/31-11/4

Homeschool Happenings
This was one of our art assignments this week

Isaac's, Mommy's, Abigail's, Zachary's 
We also started out Thankful Tree. 

On our Book shelf
Abigail and Isaac are still absorbed in the 
Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events books. Abigail is on book 8
 and Isaac is on book 6
Quinten is reading Same Kind of Different As Me
Jacob has discovered the Hardy Boys series. He is also reading a book on 
Daniel Boone


We went to Trunk or Treat On Saturday.. Everyone had a blast.. but it was a bit to chilly for my liking. Costumes posted on the homestead blog

Whats Working Not Working
We changed our schedules up a bit. New Schedule to be posted on our 
curriculum page

Photos, video, link or quote to share
naptime makes school time a bit easier

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 8 in Review 10/24-28

Homeschool Happenings
This was one of our art assignments this week

Isaac's, Mommy's, Abigail's, Zachary's 

On our Book shelf
Abigail and Isaac are still absorbed in the 
Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events books.
Quinten is reading Same Kind of Different As Me
Jacob has discovered the Hardy Boys series. 


We had our fall festival at church on Saturday. The Children had a blast. 
They all got to dress up, play games and hang out with friends. 

Whats Working Not Working
Keeping  the littles occupied has been a challenge. Add this with a growing baby
I need to figure a new routine. 

Photos, video, link or quote to share
"No one ever said it was going to be easy, they just said it would be worth it"

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 7 in Review 10/17-21

Household Highlights
We had to put plastic over a few windows. Fall is here and the night frosts are upon us. 
This gives us more incentive to get lessons done so we can enjoy the sunny afternoons before they are gone. 

Homeschool Happenings
We traveled into Central America this week in Geography. Learning the basics of Botany, and the life of Nephi in the Book of Mormon. In History we are about to embark on a Revolution. Jacob is learning about the early theories of our Solar System. Abigail is working in a crochet project for Zachary's birthday on Sunday. 

On our Book shelf
Abigail and Isaac are still absorbed in the 
Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events books.
Quinten is reading Same Kind of Different As Me
Jacob has discovered the Hardy Boys series. 


We joined a new scout troop last week. The boys are very excited. 
Its a little larger than we had been involved in and I think 
this will allow them more opportunities. 
Abigail is also active in Activity Day Girls again. 

Helpful Homeschool Hint 
Lesson Planners. I print one each with a list of assignments for the week.  

My Favorite Thing
This garden bag was in a box of donated stuff. I LOVE bags but 
had no idea what to do with this one.  Then I had an idea!
PERFECT!! The inside has pockets for pencils, glue, note cards etc

Whats Working Not Working
Our grammar was not working for us at all. I found a textbook for 
Abigail and Isaac and will be ordering a new book for Jacob and Quinten.

Photos, Video, Link or Quote to share
This is a great website for art ideas
Art Projects For Kids 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Presidential Choice's

So for Civics this week we watched the TWO HOUR LONG debates.. anyhow, as their assignment Quinten and Jacob had to list their top two picks and why they would choose them.. I decided to type of Isaac's ( he did his as extra credit as he is not taking civics). ( I typed this exactly as he as written it) 
My first choice for Presidentuall Canadete is Ron Paul. I chose Ron Paul because he say, we, and nowone else dose. Becase wene he talk's he say's the word's that I would say. My secend choice for presidentuall canadete is Gingrich. I chose gingrich for second because he says he don't know who he should say because he loves evry one up next to him. and because of his laugh. My third choice for  presidentuall canadete is Jonson. I chose Jonson as third because he makes me laugh. and because his look. My fourth choice for  presidentuall canadete is herman. i chose herman as fourth because his look and because he says the words i would say too.

Friday, September 2, 2011

This week in homeschooling 8/22-26

Mon: Playground, Civil War Museum, Road trip, Swimming
Tues: Book of Mormon, World Geography
Wednesday:  Library,
Thursday:  Math, Writing, Art/Music
Friday: - Art,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Texas Ranger: its outlaw kicking time!!

Summer-shade, Texas the worst place to be in the summer, where everyone is at the saloon, playing poker, drinking alcohol & most of all FIGHTING!!, we had the sheriff in there five times in 1 hour , but that’s just how it is. One Monday morning we had 4 guys on duty (as usual), on duty where the Texas Ranger, Johnny, Jessie & hunter where on duty, when suddenly they were being shot at by some outlaws, escape jailers & gang members teamed up to face the four of them. the four of them where out-numbered 30-4,they knew they cold take them all down so the Texas ranger shot first then it went on for about 5 minuets the rest of the town heard the gun shots, so they hid all the women & children and the men climbed the wall and stood in a line of forty men plus the 4 on duty so now it was 44-35, as they came closer they counted, the knew they where out-numbered by 24 men but that wasn't going to stop them from going closer, so they kept going closer & closer & closer the 44 men cocked their guns then the Texas ranger said "on the count of three we fire 1-2-3!!" BOOM!!, they all fired at once, when the smoke cleared there was only 2 men left, they both ran back as fast as there horses could take them, hunter took his gun and shot them both in the back at a mile away, the LUCKIEST!! shot anyone has made before. the Mayer had just woke up right after the exitment, he was so impressed with them that he bought everyone a drink for there good work, and they where never bothered by any outlaws, escape jailers or gang members ever again.......or will they!!........

Week in Review

Our first few weeks back we will be on a very lax schedule.

Monday World Geography
Tuesday  ASL ~Mom dad sister brother baby cat dog
                Book of Mormon~  1st Nephi 1-5
                Writing ~  Abigail Isaac & Quinten    Jacob
                Isaac ~ State Studies 
Wednesday World Geography
                Isaac Dino Studies
Thursday  Writing
Friday  no school

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lucas the baby

One month ago today a baby was born. My Dad named him Lucas Mom was in laber for a few days. We thot we were going to water birth. but we didn't. It was really exited. But really gross. Jacob  took pics.And everyone-else waited. And I got to cut the umbilical cord.It was really fun.           The End       

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Little Bugs

 The photo is of Abigail and two of our friends horses, June Bug and Lady Bug.
The assignment was to recreate the photo, but to show the white horses' face.
 ( she is really good with faces too) 
Abigail drew the image below using Microsoft Paint. 
 ( click image to see detail) 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bright Night

Created in Microsoft Paint 
Click image to see larger detail

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Texas Ranger: The mountain man

One hot 90° summer day, the Texas ranger & his younger brother, Hunter, from Johntown, TX,  were in the Dripping Spring saloon. A middle age man broke in the saloon with  his gun going around the room saying      " everyone get down on the ground now ", so the Texas ranger, Hunter & Johnny (who was also there) pulled out their guns, as did  everyone else, including the sheriff who stood behind him. He dropped his gun, the sheriff put him in jail for 3 1/2  weeks, the period of time was over and they went to get him out of jail but he & Johnny where gone but there was a note that said: I took Johnny too the mountains if you want him alive  be here by 12:00 pm
                                                                                        the mountain man.

the Texas ranger said "we've got to hurry if where gonna get there in time, we've only got 4 hours left" so they went home and started getting ready for the overnight trip. They left at 9:00 pm, & got there at 11:45 pm,there was a full moon,and the wolves where howlingthey walked around and checked it out  finally found them talking about the two, Hunter pulled out his gun and waited for him to move. Finally he moved,  Hunter shot his hand with his gun, he started yelling HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!!, they both walked up to him Hunter grabbed him while the Texas ranger untied Johnny,they camped the night on the mountain.The next day they went back to town.The mountain man was put in jail for 1 1/2  years.Hunter was given $1.000, the Texas ranger was given $1.000 & Johnny $1.000. 4 months later the Texas ranger was called to be sheriff, and he did with Johnny & Hunter as his assistants.

the main characters.
the Texas ranger,
Hunter (the Texas rangers brother)
Johnny (the Texas rangers friend)
Jessie james (another friend)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The bunny who found 10 million eggs

one easter morning the bunny family found 20 eggs. 5 were . yellow the wrest were pink.he put them in his pocket.and went to sell the eggs for 1 dollar. by the time he got home. lunch was cooking. bunny did not sell all his he said after lunch I will sell all my eggs. mama bunny said lunch will be ready in one minute.could i  finish selling my eggs,said kid, said mama. after lunch, said mama.the next Easter morning he found one egg. he said mama i will share with you. then the next Easter morning he  found 10 million eggs. so he decided to share with everyone.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Texas Ranger: silver,Gold & a Mexican gang

One day The Texas ranger & Johnny Where going through Falcon TX, as a Bounty Hunter tracking down for 3 days now a Mexican  Gang, Who stole $4.000 in gold & $20 in silver.on the trail they found a member of the gang on the side of the trail shot on the side of the head, it was fresh too,so they kept following the horse tracks till they came over the Mountain and spotted them walking all 14 of them so they got off there horses and hid at the peek of the hill the Texas ranger went left & Johnny went strait & circled them all Johnny took the first shot & killed 1 of them,the gang was crossing creek in between  the mountains then they shot and it went back and forth,there where 9 of the gang members left they finally realized that they missed every shot they took and wasn't able to see both of them so they dropped there weapons, and surrendered,they slowly walked down the mountain, they took them back to town and put them in jail and brought the money to the sheriff and got a $1,000   reward for returning them & the money back.The Texas ranger split the money between them too & was of on his journey to the salon after a long hard 4 days of work 



                                               And a scrap I did for ZACHARY

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the witch

 Once I was a little boy. When I grow up  I solved misters. Then on Halloween I made a new friend.  He was a which. So he said he likes to build puzzles. He also said he was wise.  So we bought a big puzzle.  The which put the first puzzle peace on.  Then I did. finely it anded.  And  I said that was fun. Then he said lets buy a nether big puzzle.  So we did. but this one was bigger. So it took longer. Then we keep building. Then we stopped. Then we lived happily ever after              The end

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the backwoods farm

the backwoods farm

something i did for art&music/school

The Texas Ranger: The carriage ride

the Texas ranger was traveling through red water,TX when he heard fight, he broke it up by  firing his gun in the air, it was to teenage kids who got into a fight over a Indian bone knife one of them found in the dirt, the Texas ranger walked up to them through a crowd of people & said "where are your parents" they said " they left 2 weeks ago on a carriage ride to Maud 5 miles SE of here an  said they'll be back in 5 days but they aren't back yet" so the Texas ranger said he'll go check on them and for them & to stay at the shop until he gets back, so he called Jessy James & a stranger named Leroy to go with him & then they left to Maud. they got there at midnight at the house that they where being held hostage, they heard screaming & fighting so they had Jessy go through the back door, Leroy through the window & the Texas ranger through the front door wham!! wham!! shatter!! they broke in to the house there was only 2 of them so they where outnumbered, so they surrendered. so they took everyone home, when they got home they brought the 2 to the sheriff's office. They where 2 WANTED:dead or alive the reward was $3.000 so he got the money & spited it up with the three of them & the Texas ranger  took off after another hard day of work

The Texas ranger

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Patriot's History of the United States Chapter 1

This was a pretty detailed chapter

We read thru a good part of the first few pages when I realized it was too deep for most of the kids

We broke it down and found mini lessons on the topics it discussed what I read in the book.

Trade in the Orient

Trade Routes & New World Exploration  lesson snip

New World Settlements     lesson snip

Slaves, Tobacco and Government     lesson snip 

Colonial Life      lesson snip

Puritans and Pilgrims        lesson snip 

Religious Differences and Freedom    lesson snip 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Physical Education

my kids are not the most coordinated but they will give it their all :)

The Texas Ranger: The Mexican Bandits

The Texas ranger roamed the borders of Texas.One time he was riding through El Paso and came across some Mexican bandits.The bandits started shooting at him from the hill. He couldn't see them so he tied up his horse on a rock behind a tree, took out his rifle and started firing at them. He moved closer and closer, bullet shells of his 30-30 flew  around him.As time went by, only 4 men where left. BOOM!! The Texas Ranger shot one right in the chest. Off in the distance comes Johnny, a rancher, a couple miles away who knew the Texas ranger. He came up on the side of another hill tied up his horse took out his 45 and from behind, shot one in the back of his head. Two left, and Johnny shot the next one on the shoulder. He marched up the hill, told him to put the gun down & called the Texas ranger up. Johnny took  the bandits gun and let him free. Johnny & the Texas Ranger made it home safely with minor injuries. The Texas Ranger was shot in the shoulder, and Johnny twisted his ankle.         

The Texas Ranger


Thursday, January 13, 2011

the flag

On January 1, 1776, the Continental Army was reorganized in accordance with a Congressional resolution which placed American forces under George Washington's control. On that New Year's Day the Continental Army was laying siege to Boston which had been taken over by the British Army. Washington ordered the Grand Union flag hoisted above his base at Prospect Hill. It had 13 alternate red and white stripes and the British Union Jack in the upper left-hand corner (the canton).
In May of 1776, Betsy Ross reported that she sewed the first American flag.

On June 14, 1777, in order to establish an official flag for the new nation, the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."

Between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed for additional stars and stripes to be added to reflect the admission of each new state

"The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."

my drawings

i am  a great  artist  i love to draw i  drew   2   of  them